A BGP peer group is a group of neighbors with the same update policies (as defined by route-maps, distribute-lists, filter-lists, etc). Instead of configuring each neighbor individually, peer groups enable you to group the neighbors together and define configuration options for all the members of the group. If you modify the options set in a peer group, all the members of the peer group inherit the changes. You can configure individual members to override those options that do not effect outbound updates.
These options can include:
remote-as, version, update-source, out-route-map, out-filter-list, out-distribution-list, next-hop-self, and minimum-advertisement-interval.
from: Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference
BGP Configuration
neighbor peer-group (assigning members)
To configure a BGP neighbor to be a member of a peer group, use the neighbor peer-group command in address family or router configuration mode. To remove the neighbor from the peer group, use the no form of this command.
neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address} peer-group peer-group-name
no neighbor {ip-address | ipv6-address} peer-group peer-group-name
Syntax Description
There are no BGP neighbors in a peer group.
Command Modes
Address family
Router configuration
Router configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The neighbor at the IP address indicated inherits all the configured options of the peer group.
Using the no form of the neighbor peer-group command removes all of the BGP configuration for that neighbor, not just the peer group association.
The following router configuration mode example assigns three neighbors to the peer group named internal:
router bgp 100
neighbor internal peer-group
neighbor internal remote-as 100
neighbor internal update-source loopback 0
neighbor internal route-map set-med out
neighbor internal filter-list 1 out
neighbor internal filter-list 2 in
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor filter-list 3 in
The following address family configuration mode example assigns three neighbors to the peer group named internal:
router bgp 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
neighbor internal peer-group
neighbor internal remote-as 100
neighbor internal update-source loopback 0
neighbor internal route-map set-med out
neighbor internal filter-list 1 out
neighbor internal filter-list 2 in
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor filter-list 3 in
Related Commands
neighbor peer-group (creating)
To create a BGP or multiprotocol BGP peer group, use the neighbor peer-group command in address family or router configuration mode. To remove the peer group and all of its members, use the no form of this command.
neighbor peer-group-name peer-group
no neighbor peer-group-name peer-group
Syntax Description
There is no BGP peer group.
Command Modes
Router configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Often in a BGP or multiprotocol BGP speaker, many neighbors are configured with the same update policies (that is, same outbound route maps, distribute lists, filter lists, update source, and so on). Neighbors with the same update policies can be grouped into peer groups to simplify configuration and make update calculation more efficient.
Peer group members can span multiple logical IP subnets, and can transmit, or pass along, routes from one peer group member to another.
Once a peer group is created with the neighbor peer-group command, it can be configured with the neighbor commands. By default, members of the peer group inherit all the configuration options of the peer group. Members also can be configured to override the options that do not affect outbound updates.
All the peer group members will inherit the current configuration as well as changes made to the peer group. Peer group members will always inherit the following configuration options by default:
remote-as (if configured)
outbound route-maps
outbound filter-lists
outbound distribute-lists
If a peer group is not configured with a remote-as option, the members can be configured with the neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} remote-ascommand. This command allows you to create peer groups containing external BGP (eBGP) neighbors.
The following example configurations show how to create these types of neighbor peer group:
internal Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) peer group
eBGP peer group
Multiprotocol BGP peer group
iBGP Peer Group
In the following example, the peer group named internal configures the members of the peer group to be iBGP neighbors. By definition, this is an iBGP peer group because the router bgp command and the neighbor remote-as command indicate the same autonomous system (in this case, autonomous system 100). All the peer group members use loopback 0 as the update source and use set-med as the outbound route map. The neighbor internalfilter-list 2 in command shows that, except for, all the neighbors have filter list 2 as the inbound filter list.
router bgp 100
neighbor internal peer-group
neighbor internal remote-as 100
neighbor internal update-source loopback 0
neighbor internal route-map set-med out
neighbor internal filter-list 1 out
neighbor internal filter-list 2 in
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor peer-group internal
neighbor filter-list 3 in
eBGP Peer Group
The following example defines the peer group named external-peers without the neighbor remote-as command. By definition, this is an eBGP peer group because each individual member of the peer group is configured with its respective autonomous system number separately. Thus the peer group consists of members from autonomous systems 200, 300, and 400. All the peer group members have the set-metric route map as an outbound route map and filter list 99 as an outbound filter list. Except for neighbor, all of them have 101 as the inbound filter list.
router bgp 100
neighbor external-peers peer-group
neighbor external-peers route-map set-metric out
neighbor external-peers filter-list 99 out
neighbor external-peers filter-list 101 in
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor peer-group external-peers
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor peer-group external-peers
neighbor remote-as 400
neighbor peer-group external-peers
neighbor filter-list 400 in
Multiprotocol BGP Peer Group
In the following example, all members of the peer group are multicast-capable:
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 1
neighbor remote-as 2
address-family ipv4 multicast
neighbor mygroup peer-group
neighbor peer-group mygroup
neighbor peer-group mygroup
neighbor activate
neighbor activate
Related Commands
BGP Configuration
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