
Monday, May 27, 2013

BGP neighbor route-reflector-client

BGP Route Reflection: An Alternative to Full Mesh Internal BGP (IBGP)
Typically, all BGP speakers within a single AS must be fully meshed and any external routing information must be re-distributed to all other routers within that AS. For n BGP speakers within an AS that requires to maintain n*(n-1)/2 unique Internal BGP (IBGP) sessions. This "full mesh" requirement clearly does not scale when there are a large number of IBGP speakers each exchanging a large volume of routing information, as is common in many of today's networks. Use the neighbor route-reflector-client command to configure the local router as the route reflector and the specified neighbor as one of its clients. All the neighbors configured with this command will be members of the client group and the remaining iBGP peers will be members of the nonclient group for the local route reflector.

NOTE: BGP route reflectors relax the prohibition on advertising internally learned routes to other iBGP peers, but dividing peers into two separate classes of peers: route-reflector clients and non-clients, which are regular iBGP peers with the restrictions intact. Routes learned from clients will be advertised to other clients and to non-clients. However, routes learned from non-clients will be advertised only to the clients. This situation opens up interesting loop and failure scenarios that may need special handling.

from: Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference

BGP Configuration

Thursday, May 16, 2013

BGP neighbor next-hop-self

When peering is done via the external network of a BGP edge router within an AS, a BGP edge router will not change the next hop of for the route from the advertising AS when it receives it but rather will pass it on unchanged to its IBGP neighbors.

Setting the next-hop-self parameter on each of the edge router’s IBGP connections, ensures a reachable next hop without increasing the size of the IGP table. The next-hop-self command will allow us to force BGP, to use a specified IP address as the next hop rather than letting the protocol choose the nexthop.

from: Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference

BGP Configuration

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BGP neighbor peer-group

A BGP peer group is a group of neighbors with the same update policies (as defined by route-maps, distribute-lists, filter-lists, etc). Instead of configuring each neighbor individually, peer groups enable you to group the neighbors together and define configuration options for all the members of the group. If you modify the options set in a peer group, all the members of the peer group inherit the changes. You can configure individual members to override those options that do not effect outbound updates.

These options can include:
remote-as, version, update-source, out-route-map, out-filter-list, out-distribution-list, next-hop-self, and minimum-advertisement-interval.

from: Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference

BGP Configuration