
Monday, July 22, 2013

BGP Conditional Route Injection

A common route aggregation practice is to group as large an address space as possible into as few prefix entries as possible. This is desirable in reducing the number of prefixes carried by the Internet, but it's detrimental to adjacent networks that have multiple connections to the aggregating network. One result of aggregation is that routing accuracy of neighbors is lost.
In this situation, more-specific routes can be generated to better identify a prefix's address subsets across multiple connections. Deaggregation is a BGP feature that reconstructs components from a received aggregate prefix.

Deaggregation is accomplished by using the conditional injection feature. Conditional injection is the creation of more-specific components when an aggregate exists. These components are injected into the local BGP RIB to provide more-specific routing information in the local AS than the aggregate. These components can be installed in the IP RIB and advertised to other BGP peers within the AS.

Conditional route injection is configured as follows:

bgp inject-map map1 exist-map map2 [copy-attributes]

BGP tracks the prefix (the aggregate) in the exist-map to determine whether to install a prefix or prefixes as specified in the inject-map.

The exist-map must have at least two match clauses:

  • match ip address prefix-list specifies the aggregate based on which to inject more specifics. Only one exact match is allowed.
  • match ip route-source specifies the neighbor that sent the aggregate. The component inherits the attributes from the aggregate if the option copy-attributes is specified; otherwise, they are treated as locally generated routes for some of the attributes. The NEXT_HOP is always the eBGP peer that originated the aggregate. Additional matches can be made for AS_PATH and community.

from: Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference

BGP Configuration